Sunday, February 24, 2013

Respiratory Infection - Slow Week

I have been sick since Friday February 15th and the worst part was Dayquils and Nyquils weren't working at all. I had a fever, coughed constantly to the point I felt like I was going to barf, had a runny nose whenever I was upright(sitting or standing) and tried to fight it myself through the weekend and even went for a 5K run on Monday since it was a holiday and I figured I couldn't see my doctor and I knew it was bad cause it took me almost 33 minutes to run 5K. On Tuesday I went to see my family doctor and explained my condition to her. The phlegm had changed from a greenish dark yellow to a light yellow by Tuesday but the coughing and runny nose were still persistent. My doctor prescribed me Biaxin XL which is used to treat bacterial respiratory tract infections and oh did it help.The persistent coughing and runny nose stopped. after two days. I stopped coughing in the middle of the night and waking up from coughing on the fourth day and the phlegm is now clear. Possible side effects are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, upset stomach and head ache. Guess what? I got the last three side effects, but it is totally worth it. There was a warning about hearing loss but that only happened temporarily for the first two days and stopped so I figured it's okay. It says to take with food but doesn't say the time of day to take it. I don't think there really is a good time because it could make you feel nauseous late in the afternoon the next day even if you take it with dinner the night before. If you ever have to take it I would not recommend taking it at dinner because it is slow releasing, it releases while you sleep and you will wake up with a horrible bitter taste in your mouth in the morning. I would recommend having a glass of water on your night stand or lozenges to take in the morning. The pills don't smell bad, but taste horrible in the morning. Total distance this week 8.1K how said. Most of it was done Monday with some walking at 4 mph at incline of 2 on Saturday. 

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